Nature's Mothers Blog

Childbirth, Parenting and Other Passions

Hawthorn or Elderflower cordial recipe April 15, 2015

Filed under: pregnancy — naturesmother @ 3:45 pm

Here’s what you can do with Hawthorn blossom!! Happy Spring! ๐Ÿ™‚

Nature's Mothers Blog

If you still have any elderflowers out, run and grab them and make this yummy cordial! Erin lives on the stuff!


20 heads elderflower or hawthorn flowers
1.8kg sugar (I use the slightly healthier unrefined brown sugar)
1.2 litres water
2 unwaxed lemons
75g citric acid

Shake bugs off flowerheads and put flowerheads in a bowl.
Dissolve the sugar in the water by warming gently
Peel the zest off the lemons and put it into bowl with flowerheads
Slice lemons and add to flowerheads
Poor sugar water over flowerheads once itโ€™s cooled a bit
Add citric acid
Cover with a cloth for 24 hours then strain through cheesecloth (or sieve)
Bring to the boil, then bottle and mix to taste (about1 part cordial to 6 parts water)

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