Nature's Mothers Blog

Childbirth, Parenting and Other Passions

Natural ways to calm a fussy or teething baby! December 20, 2012

Some ideas for calming a fussy baby:

  • Get an amber teething necklace. Amber is a resin and works by releasing succinic acid, with it’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, onto warm skin.  Have a look at our lovely genuine Baltic amber necklaces here.
  • Get some Nelsons Teetha – homeopathic camommila for teething.
  • Wear baby in a soft comfy sling – babes love being close to mum or dads hearts. Choose a sling or carrier that spreads babies weight evenly over both your shoulders and has a support across the lower back (You can join your local slingmeet to test a few)
  • Sing…babies don’t care if it’s off key, they love the sound of your voice
  • Rock, pat, dance, talk gently
  • Breastfeed -and don’t worry -babies can’t overfeed on the breast!
  • Take baby for a walk (my three are complete nature babies, they nearly always settle when we take them outdoors)
  • Drink chamomile’ll soothe your frazzled nerves, and if you’re breastfeeding it’ll work it’s magic on bubba too! (buying it loose leaf from a health food shop is cheapest, and you can get the quantity right – a teaspoon per cup)
  • Put a pot of chamomile tea in baby’s bath. Being in water can also be comforting and soothing.
  • Burn a couple of drops of lavender oil in an oil burner, or put a couple of drops in babys bath
  • Gentle baby massage, if baby likes it!
Do you have anymore natural tips?


Tiny new teeth and teething remedies! November 22, 2010

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In the past couple of weeks  my littlest girl has cut her first 2 teeth – almost 2 weeks earlier than her big sister did! It was a bit of a surprise…she was fussing a bit for a few days and had a cough and cold for about a week before. I had a feel of her gums and felt the teeth under it but presumed it’d be a month or so before they came through, but no! the next day there was a little sharp point through! I immediately ordered an amber teething necklace, with had been a godsend with Erin.  She still wears it now!

Amber is fossilized resin, and when in contact with warm skin releases healing oils with pain relieving and other therapeutic properties which are absorbed into the bloodstream. (not to be chewed on as some believe!) These are a fantastic natural alternative to teething gels & drugs which are often full of nasty chemicals!

The active ingredient in amber is succinic acid which is a powerful antioxidant and has been shown to stimulate neural system recovery and build the immune system, boost awareness, concentration and reflexes and reduce stress.

I now stock these beautiful amber teething necklaces in three different styles, which have small rounded beads making them comfortable for baby to wear. They are between 32 and 34cm in length, and each bead is individually knotted to prevent them all spilling off should it break. The clasp is plastic – designed to release if pressure is applied – safety is our priority!

Another lovely gentle complimentary remedy devoid of nasties is Nelsons Teetha, which is a granules of homeopathic Camomilla (from the chamomile flower). I hope to stock this soon too. Why would you want to use drugs and chemicals that impact your babies organs and immune system, after you’ve spent your entire pregnancy avoiding alcohol and drugs?

Do not forget the benefits of drinking chamomile tea, as baby will get it through your breastmilk. What I often do too is brew a pot of chamomile tea and put it in my girls baths, as it soothes skin problems, nappy rash and is absorbed into their little bodies to help them to chill out.  Remember, our skin is one big sponge…why else do nicotine & contraceptive patches work?? Keep your baby safe, protect her from chemicals and nasties too!