Nature's Mothers Blog

Childbirth, Parenting and Other Passions

Nature Workshops October 23, 2010

Filed under: Parenting — naturesmother @ 2:11 pm

Now isn’t this a fantastic idea???  Nature workshops or Forest school…I think this should be compulsory! Playing in nature, encouraging curiosity, patience and observational skills, giving children confidence (thereby raising self esteem), sounds like more then a ‘proper education’ will ever do.

I love the motto too ‘The best classroom is roofed only by the sky’.

Woohoo! Go Nature Workshops…can’t wait to get Erin on one of those. They have a blog with some lovely photos too!


Childbirth Hypnotherapy October 20, 2010

When I was about 35 weeks pregnant with Ayla I started to feel slightly nervous about my birth and decided to look into Childbirth hypnotherapy.  I found out that it was probably too late (and I was probably too disorganised) to get on a course in time.  I’ve heard of people who have had “pain-free” labours as a result.  I was worried that it would make me feel like I wasn’t in control, but apparently it does just the opposite.

I’m not sure exactly how hypnotherapy works but I think it is a lot about positive affirmations and not using words that cause fear…eg. “contractions” become “surges”.  The power of the mind is amazing.

The Hypnobirthing Centre runs courses in London and surrounding areas, but have Hypnobirthing relaxation and breastfeeding CDs and downloads for those of us further away.  They even offer teacher training course.  The Hypnobirthing Centre has a fantastic reputation and I will definitely be looking into them for next time!!!


Saved by my sling! October 14, 2010

When Erin was a baby it was fairly easy. I only had her to worry about. I could sit around and be with her, and yes, I had to do housework and cooking but it wasn’t that pressing since if Steven was there he’d do it and if he wasn’t I’d eat/clean when she was asleep. I made a sling with Erin was not absolutely ideal and she didn’t like it much, I didn’t persevere as I could just hold her instead.

But this time around it’s all different…I have a toddler to keep an eye on, play with, feed, etc and I honestly don’t know how mums cope without a sling.  Ayla absolutely LOVES the sling and prefers going to sleep in it to going in her pram or our bed.  She can hear my heartbeat, feel the warmth of my body and smell me.  I can have her close, know that she’s safe, feel her snug warmness, kiss her head and get on with daily life with Erin.

It’s also much easier than trying to get a pram in and out of shops if you’re in town, nevermind being so much nicer for both of you.  Teach your partner and friends to use it too! Ayla has been carried around in our sling by 6 people so far…it’s one sure fire way of chilling her out and it’s a lovely thing to share with close friends & family too!

I had someone in the shop scowl at me and ask me if she thought babies were REALLY comfortable in “those things”.  I pointed out that I didn’t think my baby would be sleeping soundly if she was uncomfortable.  Getting shopping done without crying is such a bonus…

Do yourself a favour if you are a mama-to-be and get yourself one!! The one I use is called a Close baby carrier and is made from soft organic cotton. It is similar to a wrap sling except it is easier to use as you don’t have to remember special ties etc.  I bought it second hand (but it looked new!) by joining the UK Babywearing swap group which also has lots of information on the different slings.

For natural pregnancy products see Natures Mother

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Natural remedies for pregnancy October 13, 2010

Did you know?

* Perineum Massage helps to soften the skin and improve elasticity to help prevent tears and stitches during childbirth. Stimulates blood supply and helps speed healing process after birth. Nature’s Mother sells a blend of Olive Oil and Rose Petal Extract to use in the last month of pregnancy. Apply a few drops of this oil daily and massage into the perineum.

* Raspberry Leaf tea is traditionally used to prepare uterine muscles for labour, but is also beneficial for morning sickness, to sooth and prevent bleeding gums, relax muscles in uterus while it is contracting, assist the birth of baby and placenta and calm the cramping of the uterus. Raspberry Leaf is also a rich source of iron, calcium, manganese and magnesium and contains Vitamins B1, B3 & E

* Arnica Homeopathic remedy is used for physical exhaustion, over exertion, shock, reducing bruising, sprains, insomnia due to overtiredness, aches, pains & bleeding.

* Chamomile is an excellent herb for treating various digestive disorders, is known to effectively combat stress and depression, can be used to defeat insomnia by acting like mild sedative. Relaxes muscles which can relieve cramps. Helps to heal skin irritations and can help in the fight against acne.

* Ginger regulates a whole range of body processes and thereby prevents disease. It is an excellent treatment for all kinds of nausea, including morning sickness, and is a really effective in treating all kinds of digestive problems and stimulating the circulatory system. Studies show it is as effective as leading anti-nausea medicines and is completely harmless.

* Nettle leaves are very beneficial both medically and nutritionally. They are very rich in minerals, especially calcium, potassium and iron. They aid digestion, kidney function and blood circulation and have been used to stimulate the secretion of mother’s milk, to treat bites and stings and to treat lung disorders . Native Americans used this tea to aid pregnancy, childbirth and nursing.

* Buying Herbal tea’s in loose leaf form ensures that you are getting a pure product and the recommended quantity. Nature’s Mothers teas are certified Organic.

* During pregnancy the body starts to produce more red blood cells and plasma in order to have enough for the foetus. A woman’s iron reserves will become strained and so it is important to provide the body with extra iron to meet this extra demand. Iron is also required to produce the mother’s milk which covers the baby’s demand for iron Babies absorb approximately 50% of the contained iron. Floradix contains iron in an easily absorbable form as well as vitamin C to enhance the iron absorption. It also contains Herbal extracts to maintain healthy digestion and B-vitamins for blood formation and energy release. It is free from chemical preservatives, colourings and flavourings. Floradix is suitable for vegetarians.

* Mum 2 Be stretch mark oil: Sweet Almond, Jojoba and Borage Oils blended Lavender and Sweet Orange Essentials oils has been developed to help prevent and reduce stretch marks and maintain healthy skin, whilst relaxing you and making you feel pampered.

* Active Birth can help prevent birth complications & interventions. Nature’s Mother sells the New Active Birth book by Janet Balaskas


* The Nature’s Mother forum discusses pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and parenting.

* The Nature’s Mother Forum has a resident Midwife, Doula, Breastfeeding Peer Supporter, Homeopath, and other alternative therapists to answer your questions! Join for free today at (go to “join forum”)